Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28, 2010

its now 93 days until my "surgery". Im still the same as I was when I had 100 days left. I am soon going to accept myself as I am if I cannot get on the right track. I am going to read Seans blog from day 1. That will be my inspiration.



  1. Friend...if you need anything. You know my e-mail. I'm here for you. You can do this, you know it.

  2. You really can Scott. I spent nearly two decades over 500 pounds...Friend, let me tell you something---I know all about that hopeless sinking feeling I read between your words.
    Speak to me. What are you struggling with most? Listen, I highly recommend reading my blog from Day 1. It's not an ego thing---you know that. It's not going to affect me if you don't. All I know is this: Some of the things I've discovered along this road are epiphanies that came gradually over the course of those days. You can't read my latest post and get that stuff. Have you discovered and evaluated your importance level? How high is it? Is it very easy to make excuses and rationalizations to go astray? Then you need to check that level. This should be one of the most important things you've ever done. And that steel curtain zone isn't a myth---it's can get here my friend. Don't you ever give up and just "accept." That sounds all wonderful and ok, doesn't it? You'll just accept yourself as you are. How nice. BS my friend. Why would you accept a shorter life? Why would you accept all of the potential health problems obesity can bring you? You can love yourself at any weight. Love yourself enough to do this. Saying "I'll just accept myself as I am," is another way of saying "I give up." Damn it Scott... don't you give up man. Don't you dare give up. Stop making this so complicated and start moving and eating within your calorie budget. And smile man. For real. Smile, because you can get here. I know you can. Because I'm here---and I'm the last one you would have ever thought would be here. Seriously---e-mail me---call me---whatever you need. I'm here for you.

    my best always
