Monday, August 31, 2009

Aug 31, 2009

Hello all. Thus ends another month. Not the best month, not the worst month. I promise September to be better and the road will have no stop signs.

Don't give up on me just yet!!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Aug 26 Wednesday

Hello all. Missed yesterday due to band practice. I said I was gonna post daily and here I go missing a day :-). Today was a good day overall. Had a sandwich for lunch and I made spaghetti with wheat noodles for dinner. Not like my dad's, but it tasted pretty good. I still don't feel like I am at 100%. Some days I feel like I could "fall". Seems like my body has a hard time with change. I have read that the body actually fights change until you make it an every day thing. I see the angel/devil on my shoulder and wish the angel would just push the little red guy off. I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any more either. Gotta push into a higher gear. I'm happy with the choices I made for food today. I know the healthy food actually takes a little time to prepare. I just got used to getting something on the go. I think the easy access to fast food is the #1 cause for the weight problem in the world. Funny thing is I don't really like a lot of the fast foods out there.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Aug 24, 2009 Mondy

Hello all. I am going to start doing my blog again daily. I am just not 100% when I don't. Like I said in a previous blog, I am either totally commited..or not at all. It's amazing how you can go down the wrong road so easily. All those good days can be erased with just one bad week, or even a bad day. I know that we are allowed to go off the wagon here and there, but when we do, we know that we are gonna go back on it the next day. When I go off, I know that I am doing wrong, and I get angry that I let myself do it. I just have to have better willpower. Maybe instead of rewarding myself when I lose, I should punish myself when I do bad. I should throw $10 out the window every time I cheat :-) Or give away a CD every time I cheat :-)
My new goal is my High School reunion next year. I didn't go to my 20 year reunion due to the weight issue. I really want to go to my 25th. With the help of Facebook, we have connected with a lot of classmates from 1985, and I think it will be a really good time. So that gives me about 400 days to do this. Just look at what Sean has done it less than that!!!

Better tomorrows!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Aug 22, 2009 Make a Wish 5k

Hello everyone. Hope you are all having a great weekend. Lisa and I did a 5k walk today for the Make-a-wish foundation. Let me tell you, 3 miles is longer than it seems. Just goes to show that the more weight you lose, the easier it will be. We both plan on doing more of these walks for ourselves and the great causes that they represent.

I will post some pictures tomorrow.
Better tomorrows!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Aug 17, 2009 It all begins (again) tomorrow

Enough screwing around. This weekend was a good test that I have to do this 100% or not at all. Didn't do horrible, but didn't do it right either. No pain!!

My life begins (again) tomorrow!!!

PS. Congrats to Lisa for losing 3.4 pounds

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14, 2009

WOW.....Has it really been 12 days since I've written a blog??? I definitely need to write one tonight. I'll throw a load of laundry in and sit down for a few minutes and get caught up!

Dang I lied :-( Heading up to Algoma to play Shanty Days and then spend a couple nights in Oconto Falls area. I will have to write one on Monday night when I get home. I promise it will be a good one.

Good luck to all my favorite losers (you know what I mean!!!)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 2, 2009 1 month

Hello all. It's Sunday night, August 2nd. Seems that I am posting a blog every 2 nights. This next couple of weeks is going to be busy. My band is playing 5 shows in the next 2 weeks. I will try to post something every day, even if it is a little.
Saturday was a good day. I saved all my calories for my dad's spaghetti. Like I promised, I only had one serving. I didn't go back for more. That night, I had a few more pretzels and called it a night. Lisa and I went to the local bar to meet former Green Bay Packers Gilbert Brown and William Henderson. I will post some pictures in the coming week. I ended up winning one of the auctions that was held during their Deal or No Deal game that they were playing. For $100, I won a autographed William Henderson sweatshirt and a autographed Santana Dotson jersey. I even got them to both autograph a frisbee that was actually the "no deal" prize.
Sunday I stayed under my calories again. I am waiting to hear if I am going to do something with my friend Kyle. He is still helping his mom. The weekends seem to be getting easier. They used to be the hardest part of watching what I eat. The work week keeps me pretty busy with band practice, going to the gym, and work.
This afternoon I was looking for a certain football jersey and had to go to the attic. I have 3 totes of clothes that I can almost wear. Talk about an eye opener!! There must be about 150 t-shirts from all different years. There are some that I am going to donate to goodwill, and the rest I will keep for "someday". NO MORE T-SHIRTS!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend
Better tomorrows,

PS. Fell off the bike tonight. Gonna get right back on tomorrow. Nothing to worry about.
PSS Didn't really fall off of a bike. Just saying that I had a bad food night.