Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4, 2010

Hello all. It was back to work today. Good thing is we got all our vacation/sick time back. I was greeted today by 2 homemade cakes....yumm. Not even sure what kinds they were, I just enjoyed seeing everyone else eating them. Sure I could have had a small piece, didn't see a good reason. I'm lucky I don't have a sweet tooth (yes the m&m's are still here)
After work my mom and I headed over to Piggly Wiggly for a sale they were having on chicken breasts. 3# for $3.99. For supper I had a salad, baked potato, mixed frozen veggies and a turkey breast. Gotta love them George Foreman Grills!! There was leftover Papa Murphy's pizza from the night before, but decided to go with the chicken.
Today I work I decided to walk during my lunch break. Granted it wasnt the whole 35 minutes, but it was a start. I figured it was better than sitting in the lunchroom watching people eat fast food. Tomorrow I will remember to bring my ipod and add a little more time to the walking. I do still have a membership to Cardinal Fitness. I am going to make a schedule instead of just going when I feel like it. Maybe that will make me go more.
I'm feeling extra focused this time. Dunno if it's because of the new year or a combination of things. It just feels like something clicked. I know it sounds cliche, I really dont want to be reading this post in a few months saying "what happened...I seemed so focused"

So far, so good!!
Better tomorrows

1 comment:

  1. This is your time Scott. Make every day count. Remember the power of consistency. If you consistently make good choices, you'll consistently get great results.

    You can do this, you know that.

    My best always
