Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009 Wii-endsday

Hello all!! It's Wednesday and I just got home from Subway (oven roasted chicken breast/no cheese/yellow mustard on 9 grain wheat. 670 calories. I opted for the baked lays chips (140 calories) Along with the Fiber one bar I had on the way to work, that puts me at 950 calories for the day.
Yesterday I was greeted at work by a friend that has been off sick since March 1st. It was really great seeing her back. I was also greeted by (you guessed it) tons of "welcome back goodies". There was donuts, cake, ice cream, home made pies and cookies. I am lucky that I don't have a sweet tooth. I didn't touch a crumb. I am also lucky that it wasn't welcome back pizza, chips, dip, cheese, nachos..etc. I am getting better at the temptations. I could have probably gone for a bowl of ice cream :-). I went to band practice after work and up to that point I had just had a Fiber one bar for the day. It was about 9:30 and altho I wasn't really hungry, I knew I should eat something. I stopped at the Pick N Save on the way home and walked to the produce department. I picked up a pint of cherry tomatoes. I thought I should get something with some protein, so I headed to the lunch meat area. I ended up with 3.5 oz of Oscar Meyer Natural Turkey Breast. There were 210 calories in the whole package. I was trying to find the one with the lowest sodium as well. I also bought a 46 oz low sodium V-8 juice. Total calories for that "meal" was 510 calories. It might have been more, I don't know the calories of the tomatoes, if any. I was surprised at how good the meal was. The only thing I would have changed would be the time that I ate it. I am trying not to eat anything past 6:00. That's when I used to eat my first meal.
Today Lisa and I met up after work at the Best Buy. Lisa ended up getting a Wii system and the Wii fit game. I am going to get one as well. (I need to make some room first :-)

Better tomorrows!!


  1. you are really doing well with your food choices but yes you should eat at better times.

  2. You are doing awesome. You know what happens? After a while, when you're down this road a ways, it's easier to adjust and fine tune things. If all you do at this point is make sure your daily intake is around 1500 and you're doing some kind of exercise...No matter how you get'll be fine.
    Don't try to complicate the process or tell yourself that you're doing it wrong. Do what you're doing---and as you progress and the weight starts to drop--then tweak it to your liking.

    My best
